What is Online Gambling?

Online Gambling is a form of gambling that involves the use of a computer, smartphone or tablet with an internet connection to place bets. This is a growing industry, with many sites offering a range of games and betting options. While some may be free to join, real money gambling requires a deposit of cash.

Unlike traditional casinos, which require you to visit an actual physical location, online gambling platforms are available 24/7. This accessibility can contribute to the development of gambling addictions as people gamble more often and for longer periods. In addition, online platforms make it easier for people to conceal their gambling activities and avoid negative consequences.

The psychological factors that can lead to online gambling addiction include social and environmental influences, and specific personal characteristics, such as a genetic predisposition and co-occurring mental health conditions. Moreover, a person’s personality and mood can also influence his or her gambling habits.

Some people may find that gambling is a way to divert their attention away from day-to-day stresses and anxieties. This is because when a person participates in a fun activity, the brain releases neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine, which can help relieve stress and improve concentration and cognitive function.

However, it is important to note that there are risks associated with online gambling, such as cybercrime, the possibility of being manipulated by fake websites, and the risk of losing control of finances. If you have concerns about your gambling behaviour, it is a good idea to speak to a professional e.g. GamCare.